Tuesday 23 November 2010

Liz Earle heads north

On Thursday (25th November), the ladies of Leeds will be able to find out what this Top Secret store really looks like - because Liz Earle is opening her very first store in the north.  Based in the Victoria Quarter, the new shop it recreates the atmosphere of our favourite Liz Earle shop - on the Isle of Wight - with pebbles, stone flooring, aged cedar walls and (as ever) botanicals a-go-go.  There are opportunities through the day to meet Liz, enjoy one-to-one skincare consultations, relax with a pampering hand and arm massage (first come, first served of course) - and find out about how this skincare empire sources the plant ingredients that are so key to the formulations.  Liz will be there at 9.30 to cut the ribbon, from 3 - 4 p.m. and again from 6 - 6.45 p.m.

If you're planning a day off for Christmas shopping, you might want to pick Thursday.  After all, we wouldn't want anyone throwing a sickie just so they could be first through the door of Liz's Leeds store.  Would we...?
